
Lucid Imagination
Lucid Imagination is the commercial company dedicated to Apache Lucene technology. The company provides value-added software, documentation, commercial-grade support, training, high-level consulting, and free certified distributions, for Lucene and Solr. Lucid Imagination's goal is to serve as a central resource for the entire Lucene community and marketplace, to make enterprise search application developers more productive. Customers include AT&T, Sears, Ford, Verizon, Elsevier, Zappos, The Motley Fool, Macy's, Cisco, eBay and many other household names. Lucid Imagination is a privately held venture-funded company.

Basis Technology’s Rosette Linguistic Platform (RLP) provides text analysis, including tokenization and normalization for many languages, for common languages like English, Spanish, and Chinese to less common languages like Farsi and Urdu. Rosette provides linguistic intelligence for many commercial and government applications, and brings accuracy to multilingual searching beyond what Solr or Lucene alone deliver. Rosette includes a connector which makes applying language capabilities to Lucene and Solr applications easier ? true, multilingual search can be built in just a day!

Basis Technology provides software solutions for multilingual text analytics, information retrieval, and name resolution. Our Rosette© Linguistics Platform is implemented globally to power search, business intelligence, e-discovery, and other enterprise and government applications. Basis Technology provides linguistic technology to customers worldwide including: Microsoft/Bing, Cisco, EMC, Endeca, Oracle, and Yahoo!

Findwise enables you to reach your business goals by maximizing the Findability of desired information. We have an impressive track record with over sixty Findability customer solutions based on enterprise search technology. We have successfully implemented advanced user centric solutions such as: Knowledge management systems, Intranet and Extranet Findability, Federated search and more. Our current customers are located in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.

Findwise is a vendor independent search expert with deep knowledge and experience from Apache Solr/Lucene as well as the leading enterprise search technology platforms: Autonomy IDOL, FAST ESP (a Microsoft subsidiary), Google GSA, IBM OmniFind, Microsoft SharePoint and LucidWorks Enterprise. We take pride in offering a large number of unique search related skills in areas such as usability, linguistics, information management, Findability effect analysis and security. By combining our technical expertise and unique skills we can help you avoid common pitfalls, tailoring your Findability solution to create true user and business value, today and in the future. Will you be next to benefit from Findwise expertise?

kippdata is a system integration and software development company located in Bonn, Germany doing consulting, deployment and trouble-shooting. We specialize in Java consulting, performance analysis of web applications (on Apache Tomcat), and text analysis solutions with Lucene, Solr, and other open source components.

Our clients are mid-sized companies, governmental agencies, research institutes and large corporations. We provide them with individual solutions based on open source. We cover the whole project life-cycle from planning to operations. Our experience, based on close to 15 years of work in IT, results in excellent, robust and easy to manage solutions.

Sourcesense is a European Open Source and Agile systems integrator providing consultancy, support and services around key Open Source technologies with offices in London, Amsterdam, Milan and Rome.

Built around a number of well-established European players in Open Source, with a strong background in providing enterprise-class solutions based on Open Source components and a proven track record of participation in the most prominent and effective Open Source communities, Sourcesense helps customers leverage the advantages of Open Source.

Sourcesense provides full coverage of Open Source needs for enterprise-class customers: we help corporations understand and adopt Open Source using a comprehensive strategic consultancy approach, and we are continuously selecting proven Open Source technologies that we directly support and integrate.

A leading provider of global content management and infrastructure software, Day Software is the initiator of the industry standards JSR 170 and JSR283, and is leading an industry expert group with members such as IBM, Oracle, Sun and HP. JSR 170 is the first industry standard for content repositories, enabling access of information regardless of the repository location. In 2005, Day donated its Java Content Repository (JCR) to the Apache Software Foundation, forming the Apache Jackrabbit project. Apache Jackrabbit is an attractive option for companies who want to move away from expensive, proprietary legacy repositories, looking for a cost efficient, standards-based alternative.